Travel & expenses

Travel and expenses

Uniglobe’s online travel tool
All airline and international train tickets must be purchased through travel agency Uniglobe. At the start of you contract we will inform Uniglobe that you are an authorized booker of Leiden University. By contacting Uniglobe, you can request a login for their online travel tool: If you need a login or if you encounter problems with your account, please contact Uniglobe directly: 010 241 2043 or The University is billed directly, which means you do not need to pay in advance.

Hotel accommodation
Preferably by self booking in the Uniglobe online tool. You should pay in advance and claim the expenses in SAP Self Service. If you cannot pay in advance, you can request an advance payment in SAP Self Service. Another possibility is to ask Uniglobe to book hotel accommodation for you, but this is more expensive and thus not recommended.

Travel insurance Employees going on business trips can make use of the University’s collective travel insurance scheme. Please check the university website for more information: or contact Katrien van Dijk:

Reimbursement travel expenses
All expense claims have to be done in SAP Self Service. You are always requested to fill out a SAP-number. This is an administrative number used to allocate your costs. It can be provided by your supervisor or the project administrator. In the ‘Subject’ field, please enter the date, destination and the name of the meeting.

The date format in the SAP system is You can also leave out the dots and enter 01052015, for example. Time can also be inserted without punctuation, for example 730 (becomes 7:30) or by using a colon, 7:30. After entering the date and time, first press <ENTER> before you go on. This way the system checks your date and time specification.

Question: - I want to enter a different amount in the specification ‘Subsistence allowance’-components, is this possible?
Answer: - No, but you can lower the number of cost entries, thus lowering the amount, you cannot adjust the total amount yourself.

For more information on flat-rate reimbursements, see below link to website: or contact FSSC (Finance) on 5555 (071-527 5555) or email

Please see below for a detailed user’s guide to the Travel and expenses section:

Also check:
- Relocation expenses
- Expense claims

Business travel
- Business travel

NB: you can only submit your first expense claim after you have received your first salary. If you have made costs in the period before your first salary, you have to postpone your expense claim until after you have received your first salary, or you can submit a so-called PNIL form via this link:

If you use the PNIL form, please make sure to upload all receipts. In case you do not have any receipts, please contact Hafize Olgun (email:, room 463). Before you submit your expense claim, please contact Hafize Olgun to obtain a SAP number for your claim.

Advance payment
If you need an advance payment for a business trip before you have received your first salary and you do not have access to SAP Self Service, please contact Hafize Olgun. She will assist you in in making a request. Please remember to hand in your expense claim with Hafize after your trip (don’t forget to keep the receipts). When you have access to SAP Self Service, you can request an advance payment there.