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Guests / visitors - Flights & Accommodation

Flight/international train booking
If a flight/international train journey for your guest/visitor will be paid by the Observatory, you can ask the secretariat to make the booking ( It is necessary to mention the SAP number.

Hotel booking
If a hotel booking is required for your guest/visitor, please send an email with details to It is necessary to mention the SAP number.

Housing for long-term guests
If you guest needs help in finding long-term accommodation, please contact SCIS (Service Centre International Staff). They provide advice and related types of services to all international employees and guest researchers. The SCIS can also help with visas and permits.

Service Centre International Staff (SCIS): ☎ 071-5277300 or Mo-Fr 08:30 – 12:30

Expense claims
Certain expenses made by guest/visitors can be claimed by them through the PNIL form. Copies of all receipts should be uploaded. A SAP number is needed. The activity holder and budget holder must approve the claim.

appoint/guests/accom.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/31 14:30 by nzhou