Table of Contents

General Terms

We encourage users of Allegro computers to agree to the following points:

Computer Usage

All Allegro machines can be accessed by any member of the Sterrewacht, but we much prefer that users only run jobs on helada. If this is a problem for you, come and see us to make other arrangements.

If more than 25% of the available cores will be occupied by your work, we ask you to inform Allegro (see High Performance Computing)

Hard disk Usage

Again, there is nothing to prevent any Sterrewacht user from writing data to any of our file systems, but since Allegro research money paid for these disks, you can expect us to be vexed with you if you dump terabytes of data in a directory of your choice without prior arrangement. Mostly we expect that any significant quantities of data should be ALMA-related, and we encourage you to work on such observations within our ALMA project administrative system rather than going 'off-piste'.

Maintenance and Reboot

Allegro computers also require maintenance, and regular reboots are necessary. Reboots are (unless system critical) announced at least 3 days in advance. Announcements go to all users that are currently logged in to any of the computers through email, and through the login message system (see Setup scripts)