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User Support

At Allegro we offer various kinds of support for people wishing to reduce ALMA data, as described in more detail under the headings below. We offer these services to any ALMA user wishing to work on their data at Allegro, with priority given to researchers who are either based in the Netherlands or who have an Allegro member as a co-investigator or as their ESO-designated Contact Scientist.

Email requests for help

These can cover any issue from preparing a proposal to reducing your data with CASA or other packages. If you write to this will be answered by someone in the team.

Hosting data and its reduction

At Allegro we have a powerful and capacious computer cluster (see Section Allegro Computer Environment) which is dedicated to reducing ALMA data for scientists in the Netherlands.


You may wish to visit Allegro to obtain direct help with your project or interests. We have facilities for providing this, from office space through to disk space and visitor accounts on our system.

At the end of the face-to-face visit we will ask you to fill out a questionnaire:

allegrouserguide/usersupport.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/01 12:21 by intema

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