12.00 | | Walk-in lunch |
13.00 | - | Welcome |
13:10 | Richelle van Capelleveen | Future of Observatory Seminars |
13.15 | Newcomers | Jamboree |
14.00 | Alessia Rota | Zooming in onto the inner regions of planet forming disks with ALMA |
14.20 | Shun-Sheng Li | Cosmic tomography: From KiDS to Euclid |
14.40 |  | Coffee/tea break |
15.10 | Roi Kugel | The FLAMINGO project |
15.30 | Piyush Sharda | Star formation and the initial mass function |
15.50 | Lucie Rowland | Discovery of a dynamically cold disc galaxy at z=7.3 |
16.10 | Matthew Kenworthy | When worlds collide! (Probably) |
16.30 | | Borrel |