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- Upcoming events
- Lun24 MarBonaventure I. Okere[CE.0.18 12:30] Astronomy Activities at Center for Basic Space Science and Astronomy, University of Nigeria Nsukka
- Lun25 MarPaloma Guetzoyan[12:30 - CE.0.18] The lack of growth of the most massive black holes.
- Col27 MarSophie van EckUnveiling the nature of extrinsic stars thanks to spectroscopic analysis and large surveys
- Lun31 MarOnyeuwaoma Nnaemeka Dom[12:30 CE.0.18] Exploring the Spatiotemporal Variation of Opacity on Mars
- Lun02 AprHarm Habing[CE.0.18 12:30] GLIMPSE, a treasury for stellar research of the inner Milky Way.
- Col03 AprMyriam BenistyThe Dynamics of Planet Formation
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- Preprints
19 Mar Euclid: Quick Data Release (Q1) -- Photometric studies of known transients
19 Mar Euclid Quick Data Release (Q1). Galaxy shapes and alignments in the cosmic web
19 Mar Euclid Quick Data Release (Q1). The role of cosmic connectivity in shaping galaxy clusters
19 Mar Euclid Quick Data Release (Q1). The first catalogue of strong-lensing galaxy clusters