Grants and awards

- Nienke van der Marel has been awarded the New Horizons in Physics Prize 2024. The New Horizons Prize, part of the annual Breakthrough Prize, recognizes early career physicists and mathematicians who are making major advances in their fields of research. Van der Marel receives the prize for the prediction, discovery, and modelling of 'dust traps' in young circumstellar disks, solving a long-standing problem in planet formation.
Read more Breakthrough prize announcementPubl. Thu 14 Sep 2023

- Pavel Mancera Piña will receive a Veni grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to continue his work on galaxy evolution and to study the nature of dark matter. The Veni subsidy is offered to promising young researchers in the Netherlands and gives them an opportunity to further develop their own ideas over a period of three years.
Read morePubl. Fri 4 Aug 2023

- Recently Piyush Sharda won the IAU Division H PhD prize and the Charlene Heisler Prize for the best PhD in astronomy in Australia in 2022. Also William McDonald, one of our new PhD students, won the Bart Bok Prize for the best bachelors/masters thesis in astronomy in Australia in 2022.
IAU Division H PhD prize Astronomical Society of Australia prizesPubl. Fri 7 Jul 2023

- Minuscule elementary particles from space colliding with Earth can give us an insight into the distant objects they come from. But first, you need to know how to catch them. With a Vidi grant from NWO, researcher Sjoert van Velzen will 'hunt' for neutrinos coming from exploding black holes.
Read morePubl. Mon 3 Jul 2023

- Each year the Gruber Foundation, in collaboration with the International Astronomical Union (IAU), funds a US$75 000 fellowship programme for promising young astronomers. As last year, the Selection Committee decided to award this year's fellowship jointly to three outstanding candidates, each receiving US$25 000.
Read morePubl. Mon 29 May 2023

- The Consolidator Grant is for promising researchers with seven to 12 years of experience since completing their PhD. They can use the grant of up to 2m euros to fund their team of researchers and support staff for a period of five years.
Read morePubl. Thu 18 May 2023

- Mariska Kriek wins a VICI grant to allow her to do in-depth research on the origins and evolution of galaxies using the James Webb space telescope. She gets 1,5 million euro for a period of five years to develop a new research line and to extend her own research group.
Read more Lees meerPubl. Tue 28 Feb 2023

- Een consortium onder leiding van de Nederlandse Onderzoekschool voor Astronomie (NOVA) heeft van onderzoeksfinancier NWO voor de komende 10 jaar een bedrag van bijna 18 miljoen euro toegekend gekregen voor de ontwikkeling en bouw van instrumenten op de toekomstige Europese Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in het noorden van Chili. NOVA is de alliantie van de sterrenkundige instituten van de universiteiten van Amsterdam, Groningen Leiden en Nijmegen.
Lees meerPubl. Mon 20 Feb 2023

- Each year during the Winter AAS meeting, the SOFIA program awards prizes to remarkable published papers and PhD theses based on SOFIA data. This year Cornelia Pabst (IFF-CSIC) was awarded with a best SOFIA thesis prize for her Leiden University PhD Thesis "Orion's Dragon and other stories: Feedback by massive stars"
Read morePubl. Thu 5 Jan 2023

- Een international team van astronomen onder leiden van prof. dr. Simon
Portegies Zwart van de Leidse Sterrewacht, heeft een subsidie van
225.000 Euro ontvangen van het Nederlandse eScience center voor de
verdere ontwikkeling van het Astrophysics Multipurpose Software
Environment (AMUSE). Met deze subsidie willen ze de simulatie
software klaarstomen voor de nieuwe numerieke uitdagingen van het
komende decennium. Deze uitdagingen hebben o.a. te maken met de
schaalbaarheid van de onderliggende algoritmes op a breed scala van
moderne computers, het verbeteren van de nauwkeurigheid waarop
multi-schaal en multi-fysica problemen kunnen worden geadresseerd en
de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de programmatuur.
AMUSE HomePubl. Wed 21 Dec 2022

- On 13 December dr. Pavel E. Mancera Piña was awarded the Koninklijk Natuurkundig Genootschap (KNG)'s Van Swinderen prize 2022 for his PhD thesis Dark matter and angular momentum in nearby disc galaxies.
Read more ThesisPubl. Fri 16 Dec 2022