STRW local: Leiden graduates

Former Leiden Observatory PhD's

Name: J. Braspenning
Graduation Date:  06-02-2025
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Gas physics in simulated galaxy clusters
Name: R.H. Kugel
Graduation Date:  16-01-2025
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Big simulations for big problems
Name: L. Stofanová
Graduation Date:  13-11-2024
Promotor(s): Prof. dr. J. Kaastra, Prof.dr. Schaye
Thesis Title: From Atoms to the Cosmos: Exploring the cosmic web beyond collisional ionisation equilibrium
Name: N. Veronesi
Graduation Date:  08-11-2024
Promotor(s): Prof. dr. E. M. Rossi, Prof.dr. K. H. Kuijken/Dr. S. van Velzen
Thesis Title: On a quest to discover where stellar-mass black holes merge
Name: Z. Zhu
Graduation Date:  30-10-2024
Promotor(s): Kaastra
Thesis Title: X-Raying the hot gas in the outskirts of galaxy clusters
Name: J.A. Sturm
Graduation Date:  23-10-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Dr. M.K. McClure
Thesis Title: Breaking the Ice: constraining the volatile distribution in protoplanetary disks
Name: L.M. Stapper
Graduation Date:  16-10-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. M.R. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: A Herbig disk view of planet formation
Name: T. Paneque Carreno
Graduation Date:  13-09-2024
Promotor(s): Ewine van Dishoeck/Dr. A.Miotello (ESO)
Thesis Title: Unveiling the third dimension: vertical structure as a probe of planet formation conditions
Name: S. Zieba
Graduation Date:  25-06-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I.A.G. Snellen/Prof.dr. L. Kreidberg
Thesis Title: Pushing the Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres Down to Temperate Rocky Planets in the Era of JWST
Name: M. Frias Castillo
Graduation Date:  20-06-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf/Dr. J.A. Hodge
Thesis Title: Measuring cold molecular gas across cosmic times
Name: R. Landman
Graduation Date:  11-06-2024
Promotor(s): Prof. Dr. Ignas Snellen/Prof. Dr. Christoph Keller
Thesis Title: High-contrast spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres
Name: F. Sweijen
Graduation Date:  11-04-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Dhr. Dr. R.J. van Weeren
Thesis Title: Prying eyes on radio skies: pushing the high-resolution low-frequency frontier with LOFAR
Name: E. Chaikin
Graduation Date:  27-02-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye/Dr. M. Schaller
Thesis Title: Withstanding the cold: energy feedback in simulations of galaxies that include a cold interstellar medium
Name: M. Wilhelm
Graduation Date:  15-02-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. Simon Portegies Zwart/Dr. Y. Miguel
Thesis Title: Turtles all the way down: multiscale simulations connecting star and planet formation
Name: M. Leemker
Graduation Date:  14-02-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Freezing conditions in warm disks
Name: P. Nazari
Graduation Date:  13-02-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Dr. B. Tabone/ Dr.G.P. Rosotti
Thesis Title: Bridging the gap between physics and chemistry in early stages of star formation
Name: R. Mostert
Graduation Date:  25-01-2024
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Prof.dr. R. Morganti/Dr. K. J. Duncan
Thesis Title: Machine learning for radio galaxy morphology analysis
Name: V. Gamez Rosas
Graduation Date:  19-12-2023
Promotor(s): Prof. dr. P. van der Werf/Prof. dr. W. Jaffe
Thesis Title: The dust and molecular gas in the torus of NGC 1068
Name: M.S.S.L. Oei
Graduation Date:  12-12-2023
Promotor(s): Dhr. Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Dhr. Dr. R.J. van Weeren
Thesis Title: Giant galactic outflows and shocks in the Cosmic Web
Name: D. Vlugt, van der
Graduation Date:  06-12-2023
Promotor(s): Dhr. Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Mw. Dr. J.A. Hodge
Thesis Title: A radio view of dust-obscured star formation
Name: A.F. Izquierdo Cartagena
Graduation Date:  01-12-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Mining the kinematics of discs to hunt for planets in formation
Name: R. Timmerman
Graduation Date:  22-11-2023
Promotor(s): Dhr. Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Dhr. Dr. R.J. van Weeren
Thesis Title: Tuning in to the Feedback Bassline - Revealing the operation of AGNs in galaxy clusters with high-resolution radio observations
Name: S.L. Ahad
Graduation Date:  21-11-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Hoekstra/Dr. Y.M. Bahé
Thesis Title: Probing Cosmic Monsters - Confronting Hydrodynamic Simulations with New Observations of High-density Environments
Name: E. Osinga
Graduation Date:  01-11-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Dr. R.J. van Weeren
Thesis Title: Untangling Cosmic Collisions - A study of Particle Acceleration and Magnetic Fields in merging Galaxy Clusters
Name: S. Li
Graduation Date:  25-10-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K.H. Kuijken/Prof.dr. H. Hoekstra
Thesis Title: Cosmic tomography with weak gravitational lensing
Name: A.J. Gloudemans
Graduation Date:  18-10-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Rottgering/Dr. K. J. Duncan
Thesis Title: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Far - Observing Radio Bright AGN into the Cosmic Dawn
Name: P. Wingerden, van
Graduation Date:  10-10-2023
Promotor(s): Prof. dr. F.H. van Lunteren/Dr. A. Weber (University of Twente)
Thesis Title: Layered Loyalties: The Natuurkundige Commissie in the Netherlands Indies (1820-1850)
Name: X. Zheng
Graduation Date:  27-09-2023
Promotor(s): Dhr. Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Dr. K. J. Duncan
Thesis Title: The characteristics of galaxies with powerful radio jets
Name: K.M. Butler
Graduation Date:  14-09-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf/Dr. J.A. Hodge
Thesis Title: Neutral Outflows in High-Redshift Dusty Galaxies
Name: Y. Zhang
Graduation Date:  06-06-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I.A.G. Snellen
Thesis Title: Isotopes and the characterization of extra solar planets
Name: M. Zilinskas
Graduation Date:  24-05-2023
Promotor(s): Dr. Y. Miguel/Prof.dr. Ignas Snellen
Thesis Title: Lava worlds - characterising atmospheres of impossible nature
Name: M. Gomes Rachid
Graduation Date:  09-05-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.V.J. Linnartz/Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: The Hunt for Frozen Organic Molecules in Space
Name: L. Woelfer
Graduation Date:  28-03-2023
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. B. Ercolano
Thesis Title: Ingredients of the planet-formation puzzle - Gas substructures and kinematics in transition discs
Name: F.A.F. Evans
Graduation Date:  15-03-2023
Promotor(s): Dr. E.M. Rossi/Prof.dr. K. H. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Far From Home: the science exploitation of the fastest Milky Way stars
Name: T. Caglar
Graduation Date:  21-12-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. Bernhard Brandl/Dr. Jarle Brinchmann/Dr. Leonard Burtscher
Thesis Title: A well-established harmony in chaos
Name: S.L. Zoutendijk
Graduation Date:  14-12-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. Koen Kuijken/Prof.dr. Joop Schaye/Dr. Jarle Brinchmann
Thesis Title: Lights in a sea of darkness
Name: O. Burggraaff
Graduation Date:  13-12-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. Christoph Keller/Prof.dr. Martina Vijver/Dr. Frans Snik
Thesis Title: Accessible remote sensing of water
Name: M.L. Gelder, van
Graduation Date:  24-11-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Molecular inheritance from cloud to disk
Name: R. Kavanagh
Graduation Date:  15-11-2022
Promotor(s): Dr. A. De Almeida Vidotto
Thesis Title: Tuning in to star-planet interactions at radio wavelengths
Name: A.L. Mesquita
Graduation Date:  25-10-2022
Promotor(s): Dr. A. De Almeida Vidotto
Thesis Title: Exploring the interactions of M dwarf winds and cosmic rays
Name: G. Canas Herrera
Graduation Date:  19-10-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. A. Achucarro
Thesis Title: Playing dice with the Universe: Bayesian Statistical analyses of cosmological models and new observables”
Name: D.B. Serindag
Graduation Date:  06-10-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I.A.G. Snellen/Dr. M.A. Kenworthy
Thesis Title: Exploring Strange New Worlds with High-Dispersion Spectroscopy
Name: S. Reino
Graduation Date:  27-09-2022
Promotor(s): Dr. E.M. Rossi
Thesis Title: Galactic substructures as tracers of dark matter and stellar evolution
Name: S. Debackere
Graduation Date:  22-09-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye, Prof.dr. H. Hoekstra
Thesis Title: Aggravating matters: Accounting for baryons in cosmological analyses
Name: A. Graaff, de
Graduation Date:  15-09-2022
Promotor(s): Prof. dr. M. Franx/Dr. R. Bezanson
Thesis Title: Shaping Massive Galaxies
Name: X. Zhang
Graduation Date:  29-06-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Kaastra
Thesis Title: From intracluster medium dynamics to particle acceleration
Name: G. Dufour
Graduation Date:  21-06-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.V.J.. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Non-linear Astrochemical Kinetic: Theory and Applications
Name: A. Barr
Graduation Date:  22-04-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. A. Tielens
Thesis Title: The Infrared Spectrum of Massive Protostars: Circumstellar Disks and High Mass Star Formation
Name: N.A. Wijers
Graduation Date:  16-03-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye, Prof.dr. J. Kaastra
Thesis Title: X-raying Extragalactic Gas: warm-hot gas in the EAGLE simulations
Name: O. Contigiani
Graduation Date:  26-01-2022
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K.H. Kuijken
Thesis Title:
Name: M. Bulak
Graduation Date:  09-12-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.V.J. Linnartz
Thesis Title: UV Photodesorption and Photoconversion of Interstellar Ices
Name: D.M. Smit-van Leusden
Graduation Date:  08-12-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K.H. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Light Weighed: On the Statistics and Systematics of Weak Gravitational Lensing
Name: J. Terwisscha van Scheltinga
Graduation Date:  30-11-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. Michiel Hogerheijde
Thesis Title:
Name: M.C. Fortuna
Graduation Date:  25-11-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Hoekstra
Thesis Title: Galaxy alignments from multiple angles
Name: H.S.B. Algera
Graduation Date:  27-10-2021
Promotor(s): /Dr. J.A. Hodge
Thesis Title: Distant Star Formation in the Faint Radio Sky
Name: R.G. Holstein, van
Graduation Date:  13-10-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C. Keller
Thesis Title: High-contrast imaging polarimetry of exoplanets and circumstellar disks
Name: R.E. Berg, van den
Graduation Date:  06-10-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F.H. van Lunteren
Thesis Title: Van 't Hoff. Een gedreven buitenstaander
Name: S.P. Bos
Graduation Date:  30-09-2021
Promotor(s): F. Snik/Prof.dr. C. Keller
Thesis Title: Focal-plane wavefront sensors for direct exoplanet imaging: theory, simulations and on-sky demonstrations
Name: A.J. Bohn
Graduation Date:  22-09-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C.U. Keller
Thesis Title: Young suns and infant planets. Probing the origins of solar systems
Name: D. Campisi
Graduation Date:  14-09-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens
Thesis Title: Interstellar catalysts and the PAH universe
Name: G. Di Gennaro
Graduation Date:  08-07-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Merging galaxy clusters: probing magnetism and particle acceleration over cosmic time
Name: D.S. Doelman
Graduation Date:  22-06-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C.U. Keller/Dr. F. Snik
Thesis Title: It's just a phase
Name: P. Dabhade
Graduation Date:  25-05-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Rottgering
Thesis Title: Unveiling the nature of giant radio galaxies
Name: K.L. Emig
Graduation Date:  29-04-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. A. Tielens/Prof.dr. H. Röttgering
Thesis Title: From star-formation to recombination: expanding our view of the radio recombination line universe
Name: F.A. Concha Ramirez
Graduation Date:  06-04-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart/Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: Simulating the birth environment of circumstellar discs
Name: C.H.M. Pabst
Graduation Date:  18-03-2021
Promotor(s): /Prof.dr. J. Goicoechea
Thesis Title: Analysis NASA/SRON GUSTO balloon experiment
Name: L. Tychoniec
Graduation Date:  09-03-2021
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Protostellar jets and planet-forming disks: Witnessing the formation of Solar System analogues with interferometry
Name: E. Por
Graduation Date:  11-12-2020
Promotor(s): Dr. M. Kenworthy
Thesis Title: Novel approaches for direct exoplanet imaging
Name: S. Mandal
Graduation Date:  10-12-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Revealing the nature of new low-frequency radio source populations
Name: L. Trapman
Graduation Date:  05-11-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: Sizing Up Protoplanetary Disks
Name: M.A.M. Kooten, van
Graduation Date:  04-11-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. N. Doelman
Thesis Title: Predicting the future: predictive control for Astronomical Adaptive Optics
Name: J. Albert
Graduation Date:  28-10-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Dancing with the Stars
Name: D.G. Wang
Graduation Date:  27-08-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K.H. Kuijken
Thesis Title:
Name: D.N. Qasim
Graduation Date:  30-06-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Dark Ice Chemistry in Interstellar Clouds
Name: Y.N. Cendes
Graduation Date:  12-05-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: Time Domain Imaging of Transient and Variable RadioSources
Name: S. Torres Rodriguez
Graduation Date:  30-04-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart
Thesis Title: Dynamics of the Oort cloud and formation of interstellar comets
Name: L.H. Quiroga Nunez
Graduation Date:  12-03-2020
Promotor(s): Prof.dr H.J. van Langevelde/Dr. A.G. Brown
Thesis Title: Stellar radio beacons for galactic astrometry
Name: Ch. Georgiou
Graduation Date:  12-12-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: The alignment of galaxies across all scales
Name: P. Cazzoletti
Graduation Date:  12-12-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Not so smooth after all: resolving dust and gas structures in protoplanetary disks
Name: S. Terwisga, van
Graduation Date:  11-12-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: The Demographics of Protoplanetary Disks: from Lupus to Orion
Name: A. Mechev
Graduation Date:  09-12-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Orchestration of Distributed LOFARWorkflows
Name: S. Haffert
Graduation Date:  26-11-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I. Snellen/Prof.dr. C.U. Keller
Thesis Title: High resolution integral-field spectroscopy of exoplanets
Name: A. Dvornik
Graduation Date:  13-11-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: The Galaxy-Dark Matter Connection: A KiDS Study
Name: I. Urdampilleta Aldama
Graduation Date:  13-11-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Kaastra
Thesis Title: X-ray spectroscopy of merging galaxy cluster
Name: E.M. Zari
Graduation Date:  22-10-2019
Promotor(s): Dr. A.G.A. Brown
Thesis Title: Structure and star formation history of the Orionregion from earþ Gaia data releases
Name: E.F. Retana Montenegro
Graduation Date:  16-10-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Faint Quasars at Very Low-frequencies
Name: T. Marchetti
Graduation Date:  10-10-2019
Promotor(s): Dr. E.M. Rossi
Thesis Title: Hunting for the fastest stars in the Milky Way
Name: M.L.R. Hoff, van 't
Graduation Date:  08-10-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Chemistry in embedded disks: setting the stage forplanet formation
Name: A. Bosman
Graduation Date:  08-10-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Uncovering the ingredients for planet formation
Name: V. Vardanyan
Graduation Date:  18-09-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Aspects of Cosmic Acceleration
Name: M.E. Gasso Miracle
Graduation Date:  18-09-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren
Thesis Title: Temminck's Order. Debates on ZoologicalClassification: I 800- 1850
Name: X. Bacalla
Graduation Date:  02-07-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Optical Spectroscopy of Interstellar Molecules -Lab oratory Techniques and Observations
Name: D.N. Hoang
Graduation Date:  26-06-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Cosmic particle acceleration by shocks and turbulence in merging galaxy clusters
Name: A. Saxena
Graduation Date:  26-06-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Forming massive galaxies at the epoch of reionisation"
Name: V. Kofman
Graduation Date:  19-06-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Laboratory Studies of Water Ice in Space - Optical andPhotochemical Properties
Name: V. Korol
Graduation Date:  19-06-2019
Promotor(s): Dr. E.M. Rossi
Thesis Title: Ultra-compact binaries as Astrophysical andGravitational Wave Sources
Name: M. Paalvast
Graduation Date:  18-06-2019
Promotor(s): Dr. J. Brinchmann
Thesis Title: Star formation in dwarf galaxies observed by MUSE
Name: P.A. Salas Munoz
Graduation Date:  30-04-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: A fresh view on carbon radio recombination linespowered by LOFAR
Name: E.G. Bogelund
Graduation Date:  14-03-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: A Molecular Journey - Tales of sublimating ices from hot cores to comets
Name: G.E. Calistro Rivera
Graduation Date:  10-01-2019
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Dr. J. Hodge
Thesis Title: The colours of the extreme Universe - Panchromatic studies of galaxies and accreting black holes
Name: G.J. Talens
Graduation Date:  19-12-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I. Snellen
Thesis Title: Don't Blink: Detecting transiting exoplanets with MASCARA
Name: M.T. Carney
Graduation Date:  06-12-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: Protoplanetary Disk Anatomy:examining the structure and chemistry ofplanetary birthplaces with simple molecules
Name: Y.M. Welling
Graduation Date:  27-11-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Spectroscopy of two-field inflation".
Name: M.J. Wilby
Graduation Date:  27-11-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C.U. Keller
Thesis Title: Painting with StarlightOptical techniques for the high-contrast imaging of exoplanets
Name: A.R. Ridden-Harper
Graduation Date:  21-11-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I. Snellen/Prof.dr. C.U. Keller
Thesis Title: Inferno Worlds
Name: C.R. Barber
Graduation Date:  20-11-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Monsters in the Deep:Using simulations to understand the excess baryonic mass in the centres of high-mas, early type galaxies
Name: S. Zeegers
Graduation Date:  01-11-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: X-ray spectroscopy of interstellar dust:From the laboratory to the Galaxy
Name: C. Eistrup
Graduation Date:  16-10-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: From Midplane to Planets: The Chemical Fingerprint of a Disk
Name: J.J.A. Matthee
Graduation Date:  19-09-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Identifying the origins of galaxy formation
Name: A-S.B Nielsen
Graduation Date:  13-09-2018
Promotor(s): Dr. A. Patruno
Thesis Title: Spin evolution of accreting and radio pulsars in binary systems
Name: P. Castellanos Nash
Graduation Date:  28-06-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: Breaking & Entering: PAH photodissociation and top-down chemistry
Name: K.D. Doney
Graduation Date:  20-06-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Infrared spectroscopy of astrophysically relevant hydrocarbons
Name: K. Chuang
Graduation Date:  20-06-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: The formation of complex organic Molecules in Dense clouds - sweet Results from the Laboratory
Name: J. Mao
Graduation Date:  07-06-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Kaastra
Thesis Title: Astrophysical plasma modeling of the hot Universe: Advances and challenges in high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy
Name: J.J.F.J. Jansen
Graduation Date:  22-05-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren
Thesis Title: The Ornithology of the Baudin expedition (1800-1804)
Name: A.R. Hill
Graduation Date:  18-04-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx
Thesis Title: Some Assembly Required: The Structural Evolution and Mass Assembly of Galaxies at z<5
Name: J.C. Mackie
Graduation Date:  29-03-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: The Anharmonic Infrared Spectra of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Name: A. Miotello
Graduation Date:  07-03-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: The puzzle of protoplanetary disk masses
Name: J. Boer, de
Graduation Date:  10-01-2018
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C.U. Keller
Thesis Title: High-contrast imaging of protoplanetary disks
Name: M.M. Brouwer
Graduation Date:  20-12-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Studying Dark Matter using Weak Gravitational Lensing: from Galaxies to the Cosmic Web
Name: N.F.W. Ligterink
Graduation Date:  18-12-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz/Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: The Astrochemical Factory: A solid base for interstellar reactions
Name: V.N. Salinas Poblete
Graduation Date:  18-12-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Name: B.J.F. Clauwens
Graduation Date:  06-12-2017
Promotor(s): Dr. P. Rodrigues dos Santos Russo
Thesis Title: Resolving the building blocks of galaxies in space and time
Name: M. Segers
Graduation Date:  28-11-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Galaxy formation traced by heavy element pollution
Name: H.J. Hoeijmakers
Graduation Date:  23-11-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I. Snellen
Name: N. Murillo Mejias
Graduation Date:  01-11-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Multiple Star Formation: Chemistry, physics and coevality
Name: C. Bonnerot
Graduation Date:  05-10-2017
Promotor(s): Dr. E.M. Rossi
Thesis Title: Dynamics and Radiation from Tidal Disruption Events
Name: R.T.L. Herbonnet
Graduation Date:  26-09-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Hoekstra
Thesis Title: Unveiling dark structures with accurate weak lensing
Name: A.H. Streefland
Graduation Date:  20-09-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren
Thesis Title: Jaap Kistemaker en uraniumverrijking in Nederland 1945-1962
Name: D.J. Carton
Graduation Date:  29-06-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr J. Schaye/Dr. J. Brincmann
Thesis Title: Resolving gas-phase metallicity in galaxies
Name: H.E. Andrews Mancilla
Graduation Date:  07-06-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: Shining light on PAHs in space
Name: H. Schwarz
Graduation Date:  01-06-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I. Snellen
Thesis Title: Spinning Worlds
Name: F.D.M. Mernier
Graduation Date:  31-05-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Kaastra
Thesis Title: From supernovae to galaxy clusters: Observing the chemical enrichment in the hot intra-cluster medium
Name: B.C. Sliggers
Graduation Date:  30-03-2017
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren
Thesis Title: De verzamelwoede van Martinus van Marum (1750-1838) en de ouderdom van de aarde.
Name: J. Franse
Graduation Date:  20-12-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken/Prof.dr. A. Achucarro
Thesis Title: Hunting Dark Matter with X-Rays
Name: G.P.P.L. Otten
Graduation Date:  29-11-2016
Promotor(s): Dr. M. Kenworthy
Thesis Title: Suppressing a Sea of Starlight: Enabling technology for the direct imaging of exoplanets
Name: M.N. Drozdovskaya
Graduation Date:  06-10-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Inextricable Ties Between Chemical Complexity And Dynamics Of Embedded Protostellar Regions
Name: L.D. Gesu, di
Graduation Date:  04-10-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.S. Kaastra
Thesis Title: Winds in the AGN environment: new perspectives from high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy
Name: F. Koehlinger
Graduation Date:  28-09-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Weighing the Dark: Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing
Name: L.K. Morabito
Graduation Date:  13-09-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Radio Galaxies at Low Frequencies: high spatial and spectral resolution studies with LOFAR
Name: A. Feldmeier-Krause
Graduation Date:  13-09-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: The Assembly History of the Milky Way Nuclear Star Cluster
Name: C.J. Sifon
Graduation Date:  07-09-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Hoekstra
Thesis Title: The Connection Between Mass and Light in Galaxy Clusters
Name: D.M. Paardekooper
Graduation Date:  05-07-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.V.J. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Shining Light on Interstellar Matter
Name: A.S. Hamers
Graduation Date:  21-06-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S.F. Portegies Zwart
Thesis Title: Hierarchical Systems
Name: C.A. Martinez Barbosa
Graduation Date:  13-04-2016
Promotor(s): Dr. A.G.A. Brown
Thesis Title: Tracing the journey of the sun and the solar siblings through the Milky Way
Name: N. Lopez Gonzaga
Graduation Date:  12-04-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W. Jaffe
Thesis Title:
Name: C.M.S. Straatman
Graduation Date:  29-03-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Dr. I. Labbé
Thesis Title: Early death of massive galaxies in the distant univers
Name: A.J. Rimoldi
Graduation Date:  29-03-2016
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart/Dr. E.M. Rossi
Thesis Title: Clues from stellar catastrophes
Name: C. Shneider
Graduation Date:  17-12-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Haverkorn
Thesis Title: Reconstructing Magnetic Fields of Spiral Galaxies from Radiopolarimetric Observations.
Name: A. Elbers
Graduation Date:  10-12-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren
Thesis Title: Early Dutch Radio Astronomy (1940-1970): The People and the Politics.
Name: W.L. Williams
Graduation Date:  10-12-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Facets of radio-loud AGN evolution: a LOFAR surveys perspective.
Name: A.J. Richings
Graduation Date:  08-12-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Non-Equilibrium Chemistry and Cooling in Simulations of Galaxy Formation.
Name: M.L. Turner
Graduation Date:  12-11-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Metals in the diffuse gas around high-redshift galaxies
Name: M. Velliscig
Graduation Date:  11-11-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Probing the darkness: The link between baryons and dark matter
Name: T. Boekholt
Graduation Date:  10-11-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart
Thesis Title: Chaotic Dynamics in N-body systems
Name: P.R. Rodrigues dos Santos Russo
Graduation Date:  10-11-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Design, Implementation and Evaluation ofTransnational Collaborative Programmes inAstronomy Education and Public Outreach.
Name: N. Marel, van der
Graduation Date:  29-09-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Mind the gap: gas and dust in planet-forming disk.
Name: M. Fumagalli
Graduation Date:  08-09-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P. van Dokkum
Thesis Title: Star formation and aging at cosmic noon:the spectral evolution of galaxies from z=2
Name: F.J. Salgado Cambiazo
Graduation Date:  02-09-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: Studies of Dust and Gas in the Interstellar Medium of the Milky Way.
Name: A. Stroe
Graduation Date:  02-09-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: When Galaxy Clusters Collide: the impact of merger shocks on cluster gas and galaxy evolution
Name: B.B. Ochsendorf
Graduation Date:  01-09-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: Tales of Orion: The interplay of gas, dust, and stars in the interstellar medium
Name: I. San Jose Garcia
Graduation Date:  18-06-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Paving the path between low- and high-mass star formation: Dynamics probed by Herschel far-infrared spectroscopy.
Name: B. Pila Diez
Graduation Date:  16-06-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Structure and substructure in the stellar halo of the Milky Way
Name: T. Meshkat
Graduation Date:  11-06-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I. Snellen
Thesis Title: Extrasolar Planet Detection Through Spatially Resolved Observations.
Name: M. Kazandjian
Graduation Date:  03-06-2015
Promotor(s): Dr. R.J. Bouwens
Thesis Title: Diagnostics for Mechanical Heating in Star-Forming Galaxies.
Name: A.L.M. Lamberts
Graduation Date:  20-05-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Unraveling the surface formation of regular and deuterated water in space
Name: S. Krijt
Graduation Date:  29-04-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: From grains to planetesimals: the microphysics of dust coagulation
Name: R. Smit
Graduation Date:  28-04-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx
Thesis Title: Star-forming galaxies at the Cosmic Dawn
Name: X. Li
Graduation Date:  12-02-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Molecules during Stellar Formation and Death
Name: S.H. Cuylle
Graduation Date:  29-01-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Carbon in interstellar ice
Name: D.P.C. Caputo
Graduation Date:  22-01-2015
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart
Thesis Title: The Great Collapse
Name: N. Clementel
Graduation Date:  18-12-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. V. Icke/Dr. T. Madura
Thesis Title: Casting light on the eta Carinae puzzle.
Name: G. Fedoseev
Graduation Date:  10-12-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Atom Addition Reactions in Interstellar Ice - new pathways towards molecular complexity in space -
Name: M.P. Daalen, van
Graduation Date:  09-12-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Galaxy formation and the structure of the Universe
Name: G. Harten, van
Graduation Date:  08-12-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C.U. Keller
Thesis Title: Spectropolarimetry for planetary exploration
Name: T. J. C. Hengel, van
Graduation Date:  22-10-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren/Prof.dr. Gaastra
Thesis Title: The Diving Dutchman
Name: J. Sande, van de
Graduation Date:  01-10-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx
Thesis Title: Dawn of the Red and Dead: Stellar Kinematics of Massive Quiescent Galaxies out to z = 2
Name: D.S. Harsono
Graduation Date:  24-09-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Unveiling Protostellar Disk Formation around Low-Mass Stars
Name: A. Karska
Graduation Date:  24-09-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Feedback from deeply embedded low- and high-mass protostars
Name: M.J. Rosenberg
Graduation Date:  18-09-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F.P. Israel
Thesis Title: Causing a stir: radiative and mechanical feedback in starburst galaxies
Name: J. Bedorf
Graduation Date:  02-09-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart
Thesis Title: The Gravitational Billion Body Problem
Name: T.I.M. Werkhoven, van
Graduation Date:  26-06-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C.U. Keller/Prof.dr. I. Snellen
Thesis Title: Lasers, lenses and light curves: adaptive optics microscopy and peculiar transiting exoplanets
Name: K.M. Maaskant
Graduation Date:  23-06-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: Tracing the evolution of protoplanetary disks
Name: M. Brogi
Graduation Date:  05-06-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I. Snellen
Thesis Title: Atmosheres of hot alien Worlds
Name: R.F.J. Burg, van der
Graduation Date:  14-05-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: The distribution of stellar mass in galaxy clusters over cosmic time
Name: M. Iacobelli
Graduation Date:  25-02-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Exploring the magnetic, turbulent Milky Way through radio waves
Name: S. Verdolini
Graduation Date:  20-02-2014
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: Modeling interstellar bubbles: near and far
Name: M. Juan Ovelar, de
Graduation Date:  12-12-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C.U. Keller
Thesis Title: Imaging polarimetry for the characterisation of exoplanets and protoplanetary discs. Scientific and technical challenges
Name: K.S. Wang
Graduation Date:  10-12-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde/Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Small scale kinematics of massive star-forming cores
Name: M. Weiss
Graduation Date:  27-11-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren
Thesis Title: The Masses and the Muses: A History of Teylers Museum in the Nineteenth Century
Name: D. Szomoru
Graduation Date:  21-11-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P. van Dokkum
Thesis Title: The Extraordinary Structural Evolution of Massive Galaxies
Name: S. Rieder
Graduation Date:  30-10-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart/Prof.dr. de Laat
Thesis Title: The Clustered Universe
Name: A. Rahmati
Graduation Date:  15-10-2013
Promotor(s): prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Simulating the cosmic distribution of neutral hydrogen and its connection with galaxies
Name: M. Sadatshirazi
Graduation Date:  15-10-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Dr. J. Brinchmann
Thesis Title: Nearby and distant star-forming galaxies as seen through emission lines
Name: E.C. Fayolle
Graduation Date:  01-10-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz/Prof.dr. Fillion
Thesis Title: From Ice to Gas: Constraining the Desorpion Processes of Interstellar Ices
Name: M. Mosleh
Graduation Date:  12-06-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx
Thesis Title: The Stellar Mass-Size Evolution of Galaxies from z = 7 to z = 0
Name: U. Yildiz
Graduation Date:  01-05-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Warm and Cold Gas in Low-Mass Protostars: Herschel Space Observatory and Ground-Based Surveys
Name: T. Karalidi
Graduation Date:  23-04-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C.U. Keller/Prof.dr. Stam
Thesis Title: Broadband Polarimetry of Exoplanets: modelling signals of surfaces, hazes and clouds
Name: S.V. Nefs
Graduation Date:  27-03-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. I. Snellen/Prof.dr. M. Fridlund
Thesis Title: The Hunt for Red Dwarf Binaries and Hot Planets in the WFCAM Transit Survey
Name: K. M. Guss-Isokoski
Graduation Date:  26-03-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz/Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Ice
Name: J. Bast
Graduation Date:  10-01-2013
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: Hot Chemistry and Physics in the planet-forming Zones of Disks
Name: M.B.M. Velander
Graduation Date:  20-06-2012
Promotor(s): prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Studying Dark Matter: Haloes with Weak Lensing
Name: J.R. Martinez Galarza
Graduation Date:  19-06-2012
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. B. Brandl
Thesis Title: Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Starbursts: from Spitzer-IRS to JWST-MIRI
Name: E. Uitert, van
Graduation Date:  29-05-2012
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken
Thesis Title: Weak Gravitational Lensing in the RCS2
Name: F. Voort, van de
Graduation Date:  28-03-2012
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: The Growth of Galaxies and their Gaseous Haloes
Name: A.-M. Madigan
Graduation Date:  16-02-2012
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken/Prof.dr. I. Levin, Dr. Hopman
Thesis Title: Secular Stellar Dynamics near Massive Black Holes
Name: M. Hoven, van
Graduation Date:  15-02-2012
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken/Dr. Y. Levin, Dr. Hopman
Thesis Title: Seismology of Magnetars>2
Name: O. Rakic
Graduation Date:  07-02-2012
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye/Prof.dr. Steidel, Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: The Intergalactic medium near High-Redshift Galaxies
Name: E. Kuiper
Graduation Date:  24-01-2012
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Growing up in the City: a Study of Galaxy Cluster Progenitors z>2
Name: L. Vermaas
Graduation Date:  11-01-2012
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf/Prof.dr. F.P. Israel
Thesis Title: Spectroscopy and Nuclear Dynamics of Starburst Galaxies
Name: R.J. Weeren, van
Graduation Date:  20-12-2011
Promotor(s): /Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Radio Emission from Merging Galaxy Clusters
Name: K.J.E. Torstensson
Graduation Date:  06-12-2011
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. H.J. van Langevelde
Thesis Title: Methanol Masers and Millimetre Lines: a Common Origin in Protostellar Envelopes
Name: T.F. Prod'Homme
Graduation Date:  22-11-2011
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken/Dr. A.G.A. Brown
Thesis Title: From Electrons to Stars. Modelling and Mitigation of Radiation Damage Effects on Astronomical CCDs
Name: N. Amiri
Graduation Date:  26-10-2011
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. H.J. an Langevelde, Dr. W. Vlemmings
Thesis Title: Developing Asymmetries in AGB Stars: Occurence, Morphology and Polarization of Circumstellar Masers
Name: C.J.H. Kruip
Graduation Date:  20-10-2011
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. V. Icke
Thesis Title: Connecting the Dots Analysis, Development and Applications of the SimpleX Algorithm
Name: R. Haasteren, van
Graduation Date:  11-10-2011
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. Y. Levin/Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart
Thesis Title: Gravitational Wave Detection & Data Analysis for Pulsar Timing Arrays
Name: J.B.R. Oonk
Graduation Date:  06-10-2011
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W. Jaffe
Thesis Title: Cool Gas in Brightest Clusters Galaxies
Name: E.J.W. Mooij, de
Graduation Date:  28-09-2011
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken/Prof.dr. I. Snellen
Thesis Title: Ground-Based Observations of Exoplanet Atmospheres
Name: I. Oliveira
Graduation Date:  07-06-2011
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Dr. Pontoppidan
Thesis Title: Observational Constraints on the Evolution of Dust in Protoplanetary Disks
Name: S. Ioppolo
Graduation Date:  09-12-2010
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz/Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck, Dr. I. Cuppen
Thesis Title: Surface Formation Routes of Interstellar Molecules
Name: M.R. Haas
Graduation Date:  07-12-2010
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Nature and Nurture in Galaxy Formation Simulations
Name: D. Salter
Graduation Date:  25-11-2010
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: Millimeter Emission from Protoplanetary Disks
Name: J. Bouwman
Graduation Date:  12-10-2010
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Spectroscopy and Chemistry of Interstellar Ice Analogues
Name: R.P.C. Wiersma
Graduation Date:  22-09-2010
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Simulating the Chemical Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium
Name: M.C. Damen
Graduation Date:  22-06-2010
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P. van Dokkum
Thesis Title: The build-up of Massive Galaxies
Name: M.H. Soto Vicencio
Graduation Date:  24-03-2010
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. K. Kuijken/Dr. J. Lub, Dr. Rich
Thesis Title: 3-Dimensional Dynamics of the Galactic Bulge
Name: P. Beirao
Graduation Date:  13-01-2010
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. B. Brandl
Thesis Title: Interstellar Medium Conditions in Starburst Galaxies
Name: E.N. Taylor
Graduation Date:  15-12-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P. van Dokkum
Thesis Title: Ten Billion Years of Massive Galaxies
Name: D. Raban
Graduation Date:  24-11-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Prof.dr. W. Jaffe
Thesis Title: Infrared interferometric Observations of Dust in the Nuclei of Active Galaxies
Name: N. Vries, de
Graduation Date:  15-11-2009
Promotor(s): Schilizzi
Thesis Title: The Evolution of Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei
Name: E.R. Micelotta
Graduation Date:  12-11-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F.P. Israel/Prof.dr. X. Tielens
Thesis Title: PAH Processing in Space
Name: O. Panic
Graduation Date:  27-10-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: High angular resolution studies of protoplanetary discs
Name: R. Visser
Graduation Date:  12-10-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Chemical Evolution from Cores to Disks
Name: A.H. Pawlik
Graduation Date:  30-09-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Prof.dr. J. Schaye
Thesis Title: Simulating Cosmic Reionisation
Name: K.I. Öberg
Graduation Date:  16-09-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Complex Processes in Simple Ices
Name: A. Weijmans
Graduation Date:  09-09-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: The Structure of Dark and Luminous Matter in Early-Type Galaxies
Name: H.T. Intema
Graduation Date:  26-08-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: A sharp view on the low-frequency radio sky
Name: D.J.P. Lommen
Graduation Date:  23-04-2009
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. H.J. van Langevelde, Dr. Wright
Thesis Title: The first steps of planet formation
Name: S.H. Albrecht
Graduation Date:  17-12-2008
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. A. Quirrenbach/Prof.dr. I. Snellen
Thesis Title: Stars and Planets at high spacial and spectral resolution
Name: L. Starkenburg, van
Graduation Date:  04-12-2008
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr P.P. van der Werf
Thesis Title: Dynamics of High Redshift Disk Galaxies
Name: C. Brinch
Graduation Date:  22-10-2008
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: The evolving velocity field around protostars
Name: T.A. Kempen, van
Graduation Date:  09-10-2008
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. M. Hogerheijde
Thesis Title: Probing Protostars: The physical structure of the gas and dust during low-mass star formation
Name: R. Bosch, van den
Graduation Date:  10-09-2008
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: Giant elliptical galaxies
Name: D.H.F.M. Schnitzeler
Graduation Date:  23-05-2008
Promotor(s): Prof.dr G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. G. de Bruyn, Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: Faraday tomography of the Galactic ISM with the WSRT
Name: C. Tasse
Graduation Date:  31-01-2008
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering/Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Host galaxies and environment of active galactic nuclei
Name: L. Snijders
Graduation Date:  28-11-2007
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf
Thesis Title: Extreme star formation in starburst galaxies
Name: S.E. Bisschop
Graduation Date:  08-11-2007
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. H. Linnartz
Thesis Title: Complex Molecules in the Laboratory and Star Forming Regions
Name: V. Geers
Graduation Date:  23-10-2007
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Disks around Young Solar-type Stars
Name: S. Wuyts
Graduation Date:  27-09-2007
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P. van Dokkum
Thesis Title: Red Galaxies at High Redshift
Name: M.T. Kriek
Graduation Date:  26-09-2007
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P. van Dokkum
Thesis Title: The Many Phases of Massive Galaxies
Name: S. Hekker
Graduation Date:  19-09-2007
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. A. Quirrenbach/Prof.dr. C. Aerts
Thesis Title: Radial velocity variations in red giant stars: pulsations, spots and planets
Name: F. Lahuis
Graduation Date:  09-05-2007
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Molecular fingerprints of star formation throughout the Universe – a space-based infrared study –
Name: J. Ritzerveld
Graduation Date:  14-02-2007
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. V. Icke
Thesis Title: The Simplicity of Transport - Triangulating the First Light
Name: R. Meijerink
Graduation Date:  08-11-2006
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F.P. Israel/Dr. M. Spaans
Thesis Title: Models of the ISM in galaxy centers
Name: S-J. Paardekooper
Graduation Date:  28-09-2006
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. V. Icke/Dr. G. Mellema
Thesis Title: Growing and moving planets in disks
Name: B. Jonkheid
Graduation Date:  28-06-2006
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Chemistry in Evolving Protoplanetary Disks
Name: R. Overzier
Graduation Date:  30-05-2006
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Emergence of Cosmic Structures around Distant Radio Galaxies and Quasars
Name: I.L. Kate, ten
Graduation Date:  26-01-2006
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P. Ehrenfreund/Dr. van Loosdrecht
Thesis Title: Organics on Mars
Name: G. Ven, van de
Graduation Date:  01-12-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: Dynamical Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems
Name: E-J. Rijkhorst
Graduation Date:  06-10-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. V. Icke/Dr. G. Mellema
Thesis Title: Numerical nebulae
Name: A. Wel, van der
Graduation Date:  29-09-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P. van Dokkum
Thesis Title: Setting the scale: photometric and dynamical properties of high-redshift early-type galaxies
Name: J.H.M. Nuijten
Graduation Date:  01-09-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title:
Name: F. Broekhuizen, van
Graduation Date:  29-06-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: A laboratory route to interstellar ice
Name: B.P. Venemans
Graduation Date:  27-04-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Protoclusters associated with distant radio galaxies
Name: I. Pelupessy
Graduation Date:  16-03-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart/Prof.dr. P.P. van de Werf
Thesis Title: Numerical studies of the nterstellar medium on galactic scales
Name: M. Reuland
Graduation Date:  24-02-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. W. van Breugel, Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Gas, dust, and star formation in distant radio galaxies
Name: P.B. Lacerda Cruz
Graduation Date:  17-02-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: The shapes and spins of Kuiper Belt objects
Name: D. Delft, van
Graduation Date:  10-02-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, een biografie
Name: K.C. Steenbrugge
Graduation Date:  02-02-2005
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. R. Schilizzi /Prof.dr. J. Kaastra
Thesis Title: High-resolution X-Ray spectral diagnostics of Active Galactic Nuclei
Name: R. Ruiterkamp
Graduation Date:  28-10-2004
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P. Ehrenfreund
Thesis Title: Aromatic Molecules in Space: Laboratory Studies and Applications to Astrochemistry
Name: K. Pontoppidan
Graduation Date:  14-10-2004
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Fire and Ice
Name: J.K. Jørgensen
Graduation Date:  14-10-2004
Promotor(s): Van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: eTracing the Physical and Chemical Evolution of Low-Mass Protostars
Name: I. Labbé
Graduation Date:  13-10-2004
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P. van Dokkum
Thesis Title: Deep Infrared Studies of Massive High Redshift Galaxies
Name: D. Krajnovic
Graduation Date:  12-10-2004
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: On the nature of early-type galaxies
Name: K. Kraiberg Knudsen
Graduation Date:  06-10-2004
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Franx/Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf
Thesis Title: Deep Submillimetre Observations of Faint Dusty Galaxies
Name: M. Messineo
Graduation Date:  30-06-2004
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Late Type Giants in the Inner Galaxy
Name: J. Kurk
Graduation Date:  22-05-2003
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: The cluster environments and gaseous halos of distant radio galaxies
Name: E. Verolme
Graduation Date:  21-05-2003
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: Thesis title: Dynamical models of axisymmetric and triaxial stellar systems
Name: A.M.S. Gloudemans - Boonman
Graduation Date:  05-03-2003
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. S. Doty
Thesis Title: Spectroscopy of gases around massive young stars
Name: G. Muñoz Caro
Graduation Date:  05-02-2003
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Dr. Schutte
Thesis Title: From photoprocessing of interstellar ice to amino acids and other organics
Name: M. Haverkorn van Rijsewijk
Graduation Date:  19-12-2002
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. G. de Bruyn, Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: WSRT Polarimetric Imaging of the warm ISM
Name: W. Vlemmings
Graduation Date:  14-11-2002
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Circumstellar maser properties through VLBI observations
Name: G.J. Zadelhoff, van
Graduation Date:  15-05-2002
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Shaping disks
Name: V. Heij, de
Graduation Date:  01-05-2002
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W.B. Burton/Dr. R. Braun
Thesis Title: Compact high-velocity clouds
Name: T. Thomas
Graduation Date:  06-03-2002
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: The influence of cluster environment on galaxies
Name: G.A. Verdoes Kleijn
Graduation Date:  06-03-2002
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: The centers of nearby radio-loud galaxies
Name: W. Thi
Graduation Date:  13-02-2002
Promotor(s): van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Gas and dust around young low-mass stars: from envelopes to disks
Name: Y. Simis
Graduation Date:  10-10-2001
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. V. Icke
Thesis Title: Mass loss modulation in dust forming stellar winds
Name: Dr. M.R. Cioni
Graduation Date:  20-09-2001
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing /Prof.dr. C. Loup
Thesis Title: AGB stars and other red giants in the Magellanic Clouds
Name: C.A.G. Breuck, de
Graduation Date:  08-11-2000
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering, Prof.dr. W. van Breugel
Thesis Title: Very distant radio Galaxies: search techniques and emission line properties
Name: P.M. Veen
Graduation Date:  27-09-2000
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Intriguing variability of WR 46 and of "dusty" Wolf-Rayet stars
Name: F.F.S. Tak, van der
Graduation Date:  20-09-2000
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. Evans
Thesis Title: The embedded phase of massive star formation
Name: H. Helmi
Graduation Date:  28-06-2000
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Prof.dr. S. White
Thesis Title:
Name: R. Hoogerwerf
Graduation Date:  25-05-2000
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Prof.dr. M. Perryman, Prof.dr. A. Blaauw
Thesis Title: Hipparcos and the nearby OB associations: Space astrometry and high-mass star formation
Name: J.H.J. Bruijne, de
Graduation Date:  25-05-2000
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Prof.dr. M. Perryman, Prof.dr. A. Blaauw
Thesis Title: Astrometry from space
Name: L. Pentericci
Graduation Date:  28-10-1999
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: The most distant radio galaxies: probes of massive galaxy formation
Name: C.P. Dullemond
Graduation Date:  22-09-1999
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. V. Icke/Prof.dr. Turolla
Thesis Title: Radiative transfer in compact circumstellar nebulae
Name: J. Stil
Graduation Date:  09-09-1999
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing/Prof.dr. F.P. Israel
Thesis Title: Dwarf Galaxies: dynamics and star formation
Name: N. Cretton
Graduation Date:  09-09-1999
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Prof.dr. W. Rix, Prof.dr. R. van der Marel
Thesis Title: Dynamical models of early-type galaxies
Name: E. Chatzichristou
Graduation Date:  15-06-1999
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. W. Jaffe
Thesis Title: Imaging and bidimensional spectroscopy of active and interacting galaxies
Name: R. Rengelink
Graduation Date:  17-02-1999
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Prof.dr. G. de Bruyn
Thesis Title: The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey; the cosmological evolution of radio sources
Name: A. Li
Graduation Date:  02-09-1998
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. M. Greenberg
Thesis Title: Theoretical studies of interstellar dust with applications to comets
Name: M. Hogerheijde
Graduation Date:  10-06-1998
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Rottgering/Prof.dr. G. Blake
Thesis Title: The molecular environment of low-mass protostars
Name: M.N. Sevenster
Graduation Date:  04-12-1997
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Stellar structure and dynamics of the Galaxy
Name: J.J. Blom
Graduation Date:  23-09-1997
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: COMPTEL high-latitude gamma-ray sources
Name: I. Snellen
Graduation Date:  17-09-1997
Promotor(s): Prof.dr R. Schilizzi/Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: A Population Study of Faint Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum Sources
Name: P.A.M. Theije, de
Graduation Date:  10-09-1997
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: Structure of Rich Clusters: insights from the Galaxies
Name: F.C. Bosch, van den
Graduation Date:  25-06-1997
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Prof.dr. W. Jaffe
Thesis Title: The Central regions of early-type Galaxies
Name: N.S. Bliek, van der
Graduation Date:  06-02-1997
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Stars and the calibration of infrared data
Name: F.P. Helmich
Graduation Date:  03-04-1996
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering
Thesis Title: Dense molecular gas around massive young stars
Name: A.G.A. Brown
Graduation Date:  17-01-1996
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf
Thesis Title: Stellar content and evolution of OB associations
Name: R. Ojik, van
Graduation Date:  25-10-1995
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Gas in distant galaxies: probing the early Universe
Name: M. Spaans
Graduation Date:  21-09-1995
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Models of inhomogeneous interstellar clouds
Name: O. Shalabiea
Graduation Date:  20-09-1995
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Greenberg/Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Chemical evolution of stable and collapsing interstellar clouds
Name: F.H.A. Robijn
Graduation Date:  15-06-1995
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: Stability of flattened galaxy models
Name: D.J. Jansen
Graduation Date:  14-06-1995
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck/Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: The physical and chemical structure of warm and dense molecular clouds
Name: I. Beärda
Graduation Date:  18-05-1995
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J. Cornelisse/Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Thesis Title: Photodissociation of CH2
Name: R.H. Hartog, den
Graduation Date:  01-02-1995
Promotor(s): De Zeeuw/Katgert
Thesis Title: Dynamics of rich galaxy clusters
Name: Y.K. Ng
Graduation Date:  10-11-1994
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing/Dr. J. Lub
Thesis Title: Automated photographic photometry in field # 3 of the Palomar-Groningen survey
Name: L. Hartmann
Graduation Date:  26-10-1994
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W.B. Burton
Thesis Title:
Name: E. Kampen, van
Graduation Date:  07-09-1994
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: Formation and evolution of clusters of galaxies and voids
Name: R. Marel, van der
Graduation Date:  25-05-1994
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Prof.dr. M. Franx
Thesis Title: Velocity profiles and dynamical modeling of galaxies
Name: G. Mellema
Graduation Date:  21-10-1993
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. V. Icke/Prof.dr. B. Balick
Thesis Title: Numerical models for the formation of aspherical planetary nebulae
Name: Z.F. Xing
Graduation Date:  08-09-1993
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Greenberg
Thesis Title: Fundamentals of electromagnetic scattering theory with applications to cosmic dust
Name: E. Koper
Graduation Date:  01-09-1993
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W.B. Burton
Thesis Title: The interstellar medium in M31 and other nearby Galaxies
Name: F. Eulderink
Graduation Date:  19-05-1993
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Prof.dr. V. Icke
Thesis Title: Numerical relativistic hydrodynamics
Name: R. Stark
Graduation Date:  17-02-1993
Thesis Title: Physical properties of interstellar clouds
Name: H.J.A. Röttgering
Graduation Date:  27-01-1993
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Ultra-steep spectrum radio sources
Name: J.A.D.L. Blommaert
Graduation Date:  16-12-1992
Promotor(s): Prof.dr H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Miras and OH/IR stars as probes of the Galaxy
Name: M.P. Haarlem, van
Graduation Date:  10-12-1992
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw/Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: Velocity fields and substructure in the outer regions of rich clusters of galaxies
Name: P.M.M. Jenniskens
Graduation Date:  01-12-1992
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing/Prof.dr. M. Greenberg, Prof.dr. de Groot
Thesis Title: Organic matter in interstellar extinction
Name: H.J. Langevelde, van
Graduation Date:  26-02-1992
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Radio astronomy studies of OH/IR stars in the Galaxy
Name: C.X. Mendoza Gomez
Graduation Date:  16-01-1992
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Greenberg/Prof.dr. De Groot
Thesis Title: Complex Irradiation Products in the Interstellar Medium
Name: M.A.M. Weygaert, van de
Graduation Date:  25-09-1991
Promotor(s): Prof.dr P.T. de Zeeuw/Prof.dr Jones, Prof.dr. V. Icke
Thesis Title: Voids and the geometry of large scale structure
Name: M.H. Wieringa
Graduation Date:  26-06-1991
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley/Dr. P. Katgert, Prof.dr. G. de Bruyn
Thesis Title: 327 MHz studies of the high redshift Universe and the galactic foreground
Name: J.R.A. Onvlee-Hooimeyer
Graduation Date:  23-05-1991
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Quasar structure and the effects of orientation
Name: F. Pijpers
Graduation Date:  07-03-1991
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing/Prof.dr. Hearn
Thesis Title: The dynamics of the winds of cool giants and supergiants
Name: R.J.L.H. Breukers
Graduation Date:  27-02-1991
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Greenberg/Dr. F. Baas
Thesis Title: Thermal and chemical processes in the evolution of interstellar dust and gas
Name: J.I. Hage
Graduation Date:  23-01-1991
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.M. Greenberg/prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: The optics of porous particles and the nature of comets
Name: N.S. Zhao
Graduation Date:  19-09-1990
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. M. Greenberg/Dr. F. Baas
Thesis Title: Photochemistry of interstellar and cometary ices
Name: J.J. Claas
Graduation Date:  25-01-1990
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: X-ray observations of supernova remnants
Name: P. Lintel Hekkert, te
Graduation Date:  17-01-1990
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: The evolution of OH/IR stars and their dynamic properties
Name: G.F. Rhee
Graduation Date:  05-10-1989
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: The structure of rich clusters of galaxies
Name: H.S.F. Greidanus
Graduation Date:  05-10-1989
Promotor(s): Van der Laan/Greidanus, Strom
Thesis Title: Supernova remnants: kinematics and infrared emission
Name: G.M. Stirpe
Graduation Date:  04-10-1989
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Prof.dr. G.A. de Bruyn
Thesis Title: Broad emission line profiles in active galactic nuclei
Name: R.C. Vermeulen
Graduation Date:  20-09-1989
Promotor(s): Miley/Schillizzi
Thesis Title: Multi-wavelength studies of SS433
Name: F.A. Jansen
Graduation Date:  01-12-1988
Promotor(s): J.A.M. Bleeker/Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: X-ray photometric morphology of the Cas A and the Puppis A supernova remnants
Name: P.B.W. Schwering
Graduation Date:  19-10-1988
Thesis Title: An infrared study of the Magellanic clouds
Name: D.G. Simons
Graduation Date:  12-10-1988
Promotor(s): Bleeker/Huiskamp, de Korte
Thesis Title: An imaging gas scintillation spectrometer for X-ray astronomy
Name: E.R. Deul
Graduation Date:  05-10-1988
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W.B. Burton
Thesis Title: Interstellar dust and gas in the Milky Way and M33
Name: W.E.C.G. Veen, van der
Graduation Date:  05-10-1988
Promotor(s): Habing
Thesis Title: Infrared studies of late stages of stellar evolution
Name: M. Franx
Graduation Date:  22-09-1988
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst/Prof.dr. G. Illingworth, Prof.dr. P.T. de Zeeuw
Thesis Title: Structure and kinematics of elliptical galaxies
Name: E.J. Geus, de
Graduation Date:  22-09-1988
Promotor(s): Burton/Blaauw
Thesis Title: Stars and interstellar matter in Scorpio-Centaurus
Name: M.X. Cai
Graduation Date:  18-08-1988
Promotor(s): Portegies Zwart/Is co-promotor van PhD Ben Wang
Thesis Title:
Name: W.A. Schutte
Graduation Date:  17-02-1988
Promotor(s): Greenberg/Habing
Thesis Title: The evolution of interstellar organic grains
Name: M.J.A. Oort en Mw. C Oort
Graduation Date:  16-09-1987
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: Radio galaxies at very low flux levels
Name: W.J. Jaegers
Graduation Date:  02-12-1986
Promotor(s): Van der Laan/Miley
Thesis Title: The polarisation of radio galaxies, its structure at low frequencies
Name: G.J. Waard, de
Graduation Date:  02-12-1986
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: Thermal-nonthermal relationships in active galactic nuclei
Name: G.P. Zwet, van der
Graduation Date:  19-11-1986
Promotor(s): Greenberg/Allamandola, de Groot
Thesis Title: A spectroscopic study of absorption and emission features of interstellar dust components
Name: J. Brand
Graduation Date:  13-11-1986
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing/Prof.dr. L. Blitz
Thesis Title: The velocity field of the outer galaxy
Name: R.A.M. Walterbos
Graduation Date:  03-09-1986
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W.B. Burton/Prof.dr. R.C. Kennicutt
Thesis Title: Stars, gas and dust in the Andromeda galaxy
Name: C.P. Vries, de
Graduation Date:  14-05-1986
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Optical and infrared observations of high latitude dust clouds
Name: R. Braun
Graduation Date:  26-09-1985
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Dr. R. Strom
Thesis Title: The interaction of supernovae with the interstellar medium
Name: G. Chlewicki
Graduation Date:  25-09-1985
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.M. Greenberg
Thesis Title: Observational constraints on multimodel interstellar grain populations
Name: L.J. IJzendoorn, van
Graduation Date:  25-09-1985
Promotor(s): Greenberg/Allamandola
Thesis Title: A spectroscopic study of reaction processes and molecules in ices of astrophysical interest
Name: J.B.G.M. Bloemen
Graduation Date:  19-06-1985
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W.B. Burton/Prof.dr. W. Hermsen
Thesis Title: Gamma rays from the interstellar medium
Name: A. Bos
Graduation Date:  11-06-1985
Promotor(s): Van Schooneveld
Thesis Title: On instrumental effects in spectral line synthesis observations
Name: A. Bos
Graduation Date:  11-06-1985
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. C. van Schooneveld
Thesis Title: On instrumental effects in spectral line synthesis observations
Name: W.A. Mulder
Graduation Date:  06-06-1985
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst/Prof.dr. B. van Leer
Thesis Title: Dynamics of gas in a rotating galaxy
Name: F.J.M. Akker, van den
Graduation Date:  01-01-1985
Thesis Title:
Name: L.B.F.C. le Sergeant d'Hendecourt
Graduation Date:  13-12-1984
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.M. Greenberg
Thesis Title: Role of grains in interstellar molecule formation
Name: E. Groningen, van
Graduation Date:  29-11-1984
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Prof.dr. G.A. de Bruyn
Thesis Title: Broad-line regions in Seyfert 1 galaxies
Name: P.D. Barthel
Graduation Date:  13-09-1984
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Radio structure in quasars
Name: E.F. Dishoeck, van
Graduation Date:  19-06-1984
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing/Prof.dr. A. Dalgarno
Thesis Title: Photodissociation and excitation of interstellar molecules
Name: P.T. Zeeuw, de
Graduation Date:  19-06-1984
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Dynamics of triaxial stellar systems
Name: R.A. Windhorst
Graduation Date:  06-06-1984
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: Faint radio galaxy populations
Name: E. Brinks
Graduation Date:  17-05-1984
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Prof.dr. W.W. Shane
Thesis Title: A high-resolution hydrogen-line survey of Messier 31
Name: W. Bijleveld
Graduation Date:  09-05-1984
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Prof.dr. E. Valentijn
Thesis Title: Groups and clusters of galaxies: radio and X-ray studies
Name: N. Brosch
Graduation Date:  28-09-1983
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.M. Greenberg
Thesis Title: Galaxies in low density regions of the Universe
Name: F.R. Klinkhamer
Graduation Date:  21-09-1983
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. F.A. Berends/Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: Physics of the early universe
Name: J. Herman
Graduation Date:  08-09-1983
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: The nature of OH/IR stars
Name: F. Leeuwen, van
Graduation Date:  26-05-1983
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. A. Blaauw
Thesis Title: The Pleiades--an astrometric and photometric study of an open cluster
Name: E.J.A. Meurs
Graduation Date:  14-06-1982
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: The Seyfert galaxy population
Name: A.G.G.M. Tielens
Graduation Date:  17-03-1982
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing/Prof.dr. L. Allamandola
Thesis Title: Physics and chemistry of interstellar dust
Name: W. Hagen
Graduation Date:  10-02-1982
Promotor(s): Greenberg/Allamandola
Thesis Title: Chemistry and spectroscopy of interstellar grains
Name: J.G.A. Wouterloot
Graduation Date:  17-09-1981
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: The large-scale structure of molecular clouds
Name: L.W.J.G. Swaans
Graduation Date:  15-06-1981
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W.W. Shane/Prof.dr. J.M. Greenberg
Thesis Title: Implementation of electronographic pictorial photometry
Name: N. Roos
Graduation Date:  02-06-1981
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: Galaxy Mergers
Name: W.J.M. Breugel, van
Graduation Date:  01-10-1980
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Prof.dr. G.K. Miley
Thesis Title: Structure in radio galaxies
Name: I. Pater, de
Graduation Date:  01-10-1980
Promotor(s): Van der Laan/Dickel
Thesis Title: Observations and models of the decimetric radio emission from Jupiter
Name: R.B. Isaacman
Graduation Date:  09-09-1980
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: A radio search for planetary nebulae
Name: W. Hermsen
Graduation Date:  18-06-1980
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Gamma-ray sources
Name: J. Davelaar
Graduation Date:  26-06-1979
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Structure in galactic soft X-ray features
Name: E.A. Valentijn
Graduation Date:  20-12-1978
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: Radio investigations of clusters of galaxies
Name: J.L.A. Degewij
Graduation Date:  01-12-1978
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. T. Gehrels /Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Photometry of faint asteroids and satellites
Name: G.D. Albada, van
Graduation Date:  04-10-1978
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/prof.dr. W. Shane
Thesis Title: The peculiar spiral galaxy NGC 4258
Name: H.R. Ruiter, de
Graduation Date:  24-05-1978
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan/Dr. P. Katgert
Thesis Title: Fain extra-galactic radio sources and their optical identifications
Name: B. Baud
Graduation Date:  12-04-1978
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: OH/IR stars in the galaxy
Name: P. Katgert
Graduation Date:  25-05-1977
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: Populations of weak radio sources
Name: J. Lub
Graduation Date:  27-04-1977
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. T. van Albada
Thesis Title: The RR lyrae population of the solar neighbourhood
Name: P.J. Bedijn
Graduation Date:  26-01-1977
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Studies of dust shells around stars
Name: F.M. Olnon
Graduation Date:  26-01-1977
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Shells around stars
Name: F.P. Israel
Graduation Date:  29-09-1976
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Habing
Thesis Title: Radio investigations of galactic and extragalactic HII regions
Name: A. Segalovitz
Graduation Date:  22-09-1976
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: Investigations of normal spirals: M51 and M81
Name: E. Zwijnenberg
Graduation Date:  17-06-1976
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. C. van de Hulst/Prof.dr. H. Bleeker
Thesis Title: Observations of brightness profiles of the soft X-ray background in Gemini, Orion and Eridanus
Name: J.W. Pel
Graduation Date:  14-04-1976
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. T. S. van Albada
Thesis Title: A photometric study of cepeheids in the Southern milky way
Name: A.G. Bruyn, de
Graduation Date:  24-03-1976
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: Radio investigations of active spiral and Seyfert galaxies
Name: P.A. Bastiaansen
Graduation Date:  01-01-1976
Thesis Title:
Name: E. Dekker
Graduation Date:  16-04-1975
Promotor(s): Van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Spiral structure and the dynamics of flat stellar system
Name: W. Wamsteker
Graduation Date:  05-02-1975
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: A spectrophotometric study of the major planets and their large satellites
Name: P.A.J. Korte, de
Graduation Date:  29-01-1975
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Spatial and spectral anomalities in the soft X-ray background
Name: R.M. Duin
Graduation Date:  04-09-1974
Promotor(s): Van der Laan
Thesis Title: High resolution radio investigations of four super-novae remnants
Name: W.J. Jaffe
Graduation Date:  18-06-1974
Promotor(s): Van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Radio galaxies and the intergalactic material in clusters
Name: A.J.M. Deerenberg
Graduation Date:  29-06-1973
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Rocket-borne soft X-ray observation of SCO X-1
Name: A.N.M. Hulsbosch
Graduation Date:  10-01-1973
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J Oort
Thesis Title: Studies on high-velocity clouds
Name: T.A.Th. Spoelstra
Graduation Date:  20-12-1972
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Oort/Prof.dr. H. van der Laan
Thesis Title: Linear polarization in the galactic source at 1415 MHz
Name: T.J. Jong, de
Graduation Date:  22-09-1972
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Studies of interstellar molecules and grains
Name: V. Icke
Graduation Date:  13-06-1972
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Formation of galaxies inside clusters
Name: J. Tinbergen
Graduation Date:  10-05-1972
Promotor(s): prof.dr. Th. Walraven
Thesis Title: Precision spectropolarimetry of starlight
Name: P.C. Kruit, van der
Graduation Date:  06-10-1971
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Oort
Thesis Title: Evidence for past activity in the galactic nucleus
Name: W.N. Brouw
Graduation Date:  15-09-1971
Promotor(s): C.A. Muller
Thesis Title: Data processing for the Westerbork synthesis telescope
Name: E.M. Berkhuijsen
Graduation Date:  07-07-1971
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Oort
Thesis Title: A Study of the galactic radiation and the degree of polarization at 820 MHz with special reference to the loops and spurs
Name: W.W. Shane
Graduation Date:  16-06-1971
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Oort
Thesis Title: Observations of neutral hydrogen in an interior region of the galaxy and the structure and kenematics of the Scutum spiral arm
Name: B.N. Swanenburg
Graduation Date:  09-06-1971
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Observation of cosmic-ray electrons with OGO-5 satellite
Name: A. Scheepmaker
Graduation Date:  31-03-1971
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Primary cosmic-ray electron spectrum between 5 and 300 GeV
Name: J.A.M. Bleeker
Graduation Date:  06-01-1971
Promotor(s): Van de Hulst
Thesis Title: The diffuse X-ray sky
Name: W.B. Burton
Graduation Date:  25-11-1970
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Oort
Thesis Title: The Sagittarius spiral arm and the distribution of hydrogen between 0o and 90o longitude
Name: J.K. Katgert-Merkelijn
Graduation Date:  18-11-1970
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Oort
Thesis Title: A determination of the luminosity function of radiogalaxies at 400 and 2700 MHz
Name: J.W. Hovenier
Graduation Date:  23-09-1970
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Polarized light in planetary atmospheres
Name: B. Leer, van
Graduation Date:  23-09-1970
Promotor(s): Van de Hulst
Thesis Title: A choice of different schemes for ideal compressible flow
Name: A.M. Genderen, van
Graduation Date:  27-11-1969
Promotor(s): Oosterhoff
Thesis Title: Two-colour photometry of population I cepheids in the small magellanic cloud and a comparative study using similar observations in other stellar systems
Name: G.R. Smit
Graduation Date:  24-09-1969
Promotor(s): Van de Hulst
Thesis Title: The oscillatory motion of the magnetosphere and the earth's bow shock
Name: S.L.T.J. Agt, van
Graduation Date:  07-02-1968
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. Th. Oosterhoff
Thesis Title: A discussion of the Ursa Minor dwarf galaxy based on plates obtained by Walter Baade
Name: M.M. Davis
Graduation Date:  22-11-1967
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: A 1417Hz search for radio sources having a flux excess at short wavelengths
Name: L.L.E. Braes
Graduation Date:  07-07-1967
Promotor(s): Blaauw/Plant
Thesis Title: An astrometric and photometric study of the Scorpius OB1 association
Name: E. Raimond
Graduation Date:  16-12-1964
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Oort
Thesis Title: Hydrogen connected with stellar associations in Monoceros
Name: G.W. Rougoor
Graduation Date:  30-09-1964
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.J. Oort
Thesis Title: The neutral hydrogen in the central region of the galactic system
Name: R. Steinitz
Graduation Date:  29-04-1964
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Studies on magnetic stars
Name: A. Ollongren
Graduation Date:  05-07-1962
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Three-dimensional galactic stellar orbits
Name: K. K. Kwee
Graduation Date:  13-04-1962
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.Th. Oosterhoff
Thesis Title: Photographic magnitudes of 901 variable stars in a region near the galactic centre, derived from Franklin-Adams plates
Name: C.J. Houten, van
Graduation Date:  14-06-1961
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.H. Oort
Thesis Title: Surface photometry of extragalactic nebulae
Name: A.D. Fokker
Graduation Date:  22-06-1960
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Studies of enhanced solar radio emission at frequencies near 200 MHz
Name: G. Westerhout
Graduation Date:  08-07-1958
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: A survey of the continuous radiation from the galactic system at a frequency 1390 Mc/s
Name: L. Woltjer
Graduation Date:  06-11-1957
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.H. Oort
Thesis Title: The Crab nebula
Name: H. Bueren, van
Graduation Date:  16-07-1956
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.B.G. Casimir
Thesis Title: Influence of lattice defects on the electrical properties of cold-work metals
Name: M. Schmidt
Graduation Date:  21-03-1956
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.H. Oort
Thesis Title: A model of the distribution of mass in the galactic system
Name: H.A. Pels-Kluyver
Graduation Date:  22-06-1954
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.C. van de Hulst
Thesis Title: Line intensities in the spectrum of RR lyrae
Name: A.B. Muller
Graduation Date:  22-04-1953
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. P.Th. Oosterhoff
Thesis Title: A photoelectic study of XZ Cygni
Name: J. Kort, de
Graduation Date:  25-05-1949
Promotor(s): Oosterhoff
Thesis Title: Photographic magnitudes of stars brighter than 7m75 between +75o and 80o declination
Name: A.J.J. Woerkom, van
Graduation Date:  29-09-1948
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.H. Oort
Thesis Title: On the origin of comets
Name: D. Haar, ter
Graduation Date:  22-09-1948
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. H.A. Kramers
Thesis Title: Studies on the origin of the solar system
Name: L. Binnendijk
Graduation Date:  08-01-1947
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.H. Oort
Thesis Title: A study of stars in the Pleiades region, based on photographic magnitudes, colour- aequivalents spectral types and proper motions
Name: J.G. Ferwerda
Graduation Date:  03-10-1941
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E. Hertzsprung
Thesis Title: Veranderlijke sterren in de omgeving van Sagittarii
Name: L. Plaut
Graduation Date:  02-05-1939
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E. Hertzsprung
Thesis Title: Photographische photometrie der veranderlijke sterren CV Carinae en WW Draconis
Name: A.J. Wesselink
Graduation Date:  13-05-1938
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E. Hertzsprung
Thesis Title: Photographische photometrie met toepassing op de veranderlijke ster
Name: W.C. Martin
Graduation Date:  11-05-1937
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E. Hertzsprung
Thesis Title: Photographische photometrie van veranderlijke sterren in Centauri
Name: A. Sitter, de
Graduation Date:  29-06-1936
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E. Hertzsprung
Thesis Title: Fotovisueele fotometrie van sterren tot 8m0 benoorden + 80° declinatie
Name: G. Herk, van
Graduation Date:  01-05-1936
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. J.H. Oort
Thesis Title: Enige uitkomsten van de waarnemingen in de jaren 1931-1933 te Equador
Name: G.P. Kuiper
Graduation Date:  30-06-1933
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E. Hertzsprung
Thesis Title: Statistische onderzoekingen van dubbelsterren
Name: P.Th. Oosterhoff
Graduation Date:  06-04-1933
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E. Hertzsprung
Thesis Title: Effective golflengten en photographische magnituden van sterren in h en Persei
Name: H. Gent, van
Graduation Date:  08-04-1932
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. E. Hertzsprung
Thesis Title: Veranderlijke sterren op een veld van 10° bij 10° in of nabij het sterrenbeeld Corona Australis
Name: D. Brouwer
Graduation Date:  12-04-1927
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W. de Sitter
Thesis Title: Discussie van de waarnemingen van Satellieten I, II en III van Jupiter, gedaan te Johannesburg door Dr. R.T.A. Innes in de jaren 1908-1925
Name: C.H. Hins
Graduation Date:  15-12-1925
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W. de Sitter
Thesis Title: Inleiding tot een catalogus van plaatsen en eigenbewegingen van 1533 Roode sterren
Name: W.H. Bos, van den
Graduation Date:  07-07-1925
Promotor(s): De Sitter
Thesis Title: Micrometingen van dubbelsterren
Name: P. Kremer
Graduation Date:  13-07-1923
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. W. de Sitter
Thesis Title: Discussie van Micrometerwaarnemingen van de satellieten van Jupiter, gedaan te Washington in de jaren 1903-1906
Name: C. Jong, de
Graduation Date:  05-07-1917
Promotor(s): Prof.dr. van de Sande Bakhuijzen
Thesis Title: Onderzoekingen omtrent de Praecessiekonstante en de stelselmatige eigenbewegingen der sterren
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Name: A. Pannekoek
Graduation Date:  11-07-1902
Promotor(s): V/d Sande Bakhuijzen
Thesis Title: Lichtwechsel Algols