Social Committee
The social commitee consists of a group of enthusiastic Sterrewachters, who are in charge of planning and organizing annually recurring festivities at the Observatory:
- Sinterklaas - Every year at December 5 Sinterklaas and his Pieten visit the Observatory to bring joy, presents and pepernoten to students and staff
- Christmas Potluck Borrel - Once Sinterklaas has left the country we pre-celebrate Christmas with our Potluck Borrel. This event holds a long tradition, where we invite students and staff to bring some nice food to share with fellow students and colleagues.
- Summer BBQ - Another good old tradition.. enjoy nice drinks and nice food, while chatting with the other Sterrewachters, listening to live music or have a go at the bouncy castle.
- The committee can also help facilitate smaller social events and collaborations with other associations within the institute.