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- Lun31 MarOnyeuwaoma Nnaemeka Dom[12:30 CE.0.18] Exploring the Spatiotemporal Variation of Opacity on Mars
- Col03 AprMyriam BenistyThe Dynamics of Planet Formation
- Lun07 AprProf. Sudeshna Boro Sakikia[12:30 CE.0.18]
- Lun08 AprDr Donna Rodgers-Lee[12:30 CE.0.18] Galactic cosmic ray fluxes during the lifetime of a M dwarf
- Lun09 Apr[12:30 CE.0.18] TBC
- Col10 AprSophie van EckUnveiling the nature of extrinsic stars thanks to spectroscopic analysis and large surveys
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- Preprints
25 Mar Non-minimally coupled gravity constraints from DESI DR2 data
25 Mar A high-resolution survey of protoplanetary disks in Lupus and the nature of compact disks
25 Mar KiDS-Legacy: Cosmological constraints from cosmic shear with the complete Kilo-Degree Survey
25 Mar KiDS-Legacy: Redshift distributions and their calibration