STRW local: All Events

All Events

Quick jump
Year: Month:

2021-03-0415:00zoom Keith Hawkins
(The University of Texas at Austin)
Galactic Archaeology with Gaia and Large Spectroscopic Surveys
2021-03-1111:15zoom Amirhossein Bagheri
(ETH Zurich)
Dynamical evidence for Phobos and Deimos as remnants of a disrupted common progenitor
2021-03-1811:15zoom Reinhard Genzel
A Forty-Year Journey
2021-03-2511:15zoom Martin Hardcastle
(University of Hertfordshire)
The environmental effects of the radio-loud AGN population

03-05 16:30 03-05 17:15onlineOwn Observatory Seminar
03-12 16:30 03-12 17:15onlineOwn Observatory Seminar
03-19 16:30 03-19 17:15onlineOwn Observatory Seminar
03-26 16:30 03-26 17:15onlineOwn Observatory Seminar
03-09 16:15 03-09 17:00onlineOwn PhD Defense Lukasz Tychoniec
03-18 16:15 03-18 17:15onlineOwn PhD defence Cornelia Pabst
03-12 13:15 03-12 14:00onlineOwn Initial evaluation MSc courses spring semester

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