STRW local: All Events

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Year: Month:

2020-09-1711:156439524591@GAC-2020 Scott Millwood
(DLR Scientific Research Center)
A string of pearls: the Orbital Internet and the urgent need for a global regulatory framework to protect scientific activities in outer space

09-04 16:30 09-04 17:30Observatory SeminarZoom Observatory Seminar
09-11 16:30 09-11 17:30Observatory SeminarZoom Observatory Seminar
09-18 16:30 09-18 17:30Observatory SeminarZoom Observatory Seminar
09-25 16:30 09-25 17:30Observatory SeminarZoom Observatory Seminar
09-15 17:00 09-15 22:00STRW BBQ 2020 Autumn EditionBrasserie Buitenhuis STRW BBQ 2020 Autumn Edition
09-10 18:00 09-10 21:00Movie night at the LIDOCinema Lido Movie night at the LIDO

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